Microsoft announces Box app for Windows 10

Microsoft has announced Box app for Windows 10. Duncan Fisher who works for the mobile applications product management team at Box wrote in a Windows blogpost that with ‘50,000 paying businesses, including 52% of the Fortune 500 and more than 40 million users, it’s critical for Box to ensure that customers can work on their content across a wide variety of devices and platforms’.

The Box for Windows 10 app promises secure content along with features such as managing content across devices such as Windows PCs, tablets and phones, and also share files with anyone. It will allow previewing Office content easily including a variety of file types such as Office files, PDFs, images and more. Users can also create and collaborate on Office files and receive real-time updates.
“Under Satya Nadella, Microsoft has pushed boldly into a cloud-first, mobile-first world, opening up its platforms to integrate with best-of-breed tools (like Box) and improve the experience for their customers. This move has ultimately made it easy for enterprises to choose the vendors they want to work with, enabling more productivity and collaboration within the workplace,” Aaron Levie writes in a Box blogpost.
Box for Windows 10 also focuses on multitasking. It will allow users to work on Box and other apps side by side with the Windows 10 multitasking feature that will resize Box to make it as big or small as you need. Moreover, it also mentions the ability to pin certain Box files and favorites right to the Start screen using Windows 10 Live Tiles.
Box for Windows 10 app is now available in the Windows store for PCs and tablets. It is expected to be available for phones running Windows 10 soon.


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